Project 52 – Week 2 Prompt

Project 52 – Week 2: 11th August – 16th August 2014.

Prompt: Breaking Up With Writer’s Block

It’s time for you and Writer’s Block to part ways. Write a letter breaking up with Writer’s Block, starting out with, “Dear Writer’s Block, it’s not you, it’s me …”

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6 Responses to Project 52 – Week 2 Prompt

  1. Manogna M says:

    my post for the prompt…posted it earlier in the blog..but m giving my link here a bit late…sorry..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Meera says:

    Dear Writer’s Block,

    It’s not you, it’s me. You’ve come to know me quite well over the years. You will understand that it’s me who can’t get past the feeling that that there are better ways to make a living than trying to squeeze out memories to their thinnest, like a woman extracting the third milk of a coconut. Should we simply leave emotions where we find them, so that they can be discovered by people for themselves? Like virgin forests, which shouldn’t really be harvested? No more. So it’s not you, as they all assume, it’s me.


    Liked by 1 person

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